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What is React Native?

React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React. The focus of React Native is on developer efficiency across all the platforms you care about - learn once, write anywhere. Facebook uses React Native in multiple production apps and will continue investing in React Native.
React Native is a tool in the Cross-Platform Mobile Development category of a tech stack.
React Native is an open source tool with 115.4K GitHub stars and 23.8K GitHub forks. Here’s a link to React Native's open source repository on GitHub

Who uses React Native?

2206 companies reportedly use React Native in their tech stacks, including Shopify, Instagram, and Delivery Hero.

29787 developers on StackShare have stated that they use React Native.

React Native Integrations

WebStorm, D3.js, iOS, Algolia, and React Navigation are some of the popular tools that integrate with React Native. Here's a list of all 128 tools that integrate with React Native.
Pros of React Native
Learn once write everywhere
Cross platform
Native ios components
Built by facebook
Easy to learn
Bridges me into ios development
It's just react
No compile
Virtual Dom
Insanely fast develop / test cycle
Great community
It is free and open source
Native android components
Easy setup
Backed by Facebook
Highly customizable
Everything component
Great errors
Win win solution of hybrid app
Not dependent on anything such as Angular
Awesome, easy starting from scratch
OTA update
As good as Native without any performance concerns
Easy to use
Many salary
Can be incrementally added to existing native apps
Hot reload
Over the air update (Flutter lacks)
'It's just react'
Web development meets Mobile development
Decisions about React Native

Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose React Native in their tech stack.

Francis Rodrigues
Shared insights
React NativeReact Native

The most famous framework that build a Native multi-platform application React Native

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Lidiexy Alonso
Senior Software Engineer at Palinode LLC · | 6 upvotes · 396K views
Shared insights

As developer at Applied Health Analytics we decided to create a React Native App. In terms of #IDE I'm a good fan of PhpStorm cause we have a lot of PHP in the backend, but I've definitely gave a try to Visual Studio Code and now is my primary JavaScript #IDE. I was impress how fast VS Code has become the No.1 @JavaScript Editor in the community.

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Needs advice
Amazon CognitoAmazon Cognito

I'm starting a new React Native project and trying to decide on an auth provider. Currently looking at Auth0 and Amazon Cognito. It will need to play nice with a Django Rest Framework backend.

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Shared insights

I'm working as one of the engineering leads in RunaHR. As our platform is a Saas, we thought It'd be good to have an API (We chose Ruby and Rails for this) and a SPA (built with React and Redux ) connected. We started the SPA with Create React App since It's pretty easy to start.

We use Jest as the testing framework and react-testing-library to test React components. In Rails we make tests using RSpec.

Our main database is PostgreSQL, but we also use MongoDB to store some type of data. We started to use Redis  for cache and other time sensitive operations.

We have a couple of extra projects: One is an Employee app built with React Native and the other is an internal back office dashboard built with Next.js for the client and Python in the backend side.

Since we have different frontend apps we have found useful to have Bit to document visual components and utils in JavaScript.

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Jesus Dario Rivera Rubio
Telecomm Engineering at Netbeast · | 14 upvotes · 420.9K views
Shared insights

This time I want to share something different. For those that have read my stack decisions, it's normal to expect some advice on infrastructure or React Native. Lately my mind has been focusing more on product as a experience than what's it made of (anatomy). As a tech leader, I have to worry about things like: are we taking enough time for reviews? Are we improving over time? Are we faster now? Is our code of higher quality?

For all these questions you can add many great recommendations on your pipeline. We use Trello for bug-tracking and project management. We use https://danger.systems/js/ to add checks for linting, type-enforcing and other quality dimensions in our PRs and a great feature from Vercel that let's you previsualize deployments directly in a PR. However it's not easy to measure this improvements over time. For customer matters we have Amplitude or Firebase analytics, but for our internal process? That's a little bit more complicated.

I collaborated recently with some folks in a small startup as an early adopter to create a metrics dashboard for engineers. I tried to add the tool to stackshare.io but still it doesn't appear as one of the options, please take a look on it over product hunt and let us know https://www.producthunt.com/posts/scope-6

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Needs advice

I'm about to begin working on an API, for which I plan to add GraphQL connectivity for processing data. The data processed will mainly be audio files being downloaded/uploaded with some user messaging & authentication.

I don't mind the difficulty in any service since I've used C++ (for data structures & algorithms at least) and would also say I am patient and can learn fairly quickly. My main concerns would be their performance, libraries/community, and job marketability.

Why I'm stuck between these three...

Symfony: I've programmed in PHP for back-end in a previous internship and may do so again in a few months.

Node.js: It's newer than PHP, and it's JavaScript where my front-end stack will be React and (likely) React Native.

Go: It's newer than PHP, I've heard of its good performance, and it would be nice to learn a new (growing) language.

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Blog Posts

React Native's Features

  • Native iOS Components
  • Asynchronous Execution
  • Touch Handling
  • Flexbox and Styling
  • Polyfills

React Native Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to React Native?
Flutter is a mobile app SDK to help developers and designers build modern mobile apps for iOS and Android.
Writing code is interactive and fun, the syntax is concise yet expressive, and apps run lightning-fast. Swift is ready for your next iOS and OS X project — or for addition into your current app — because Swift code works side-by-side with Objective-C.
Xamarin’s Mono-based products enable .NET developers to use their existing code, libraries and tools (including Visual Studio*), as well as skills in .NET and the C# programming language, to create mobile applications for the industry’s most widely-used mobile devices, including Android-based smartphones and tablets, iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
NativeScript enables developers to build native apps for iOS, Android and Windows Universal while sharing the application code across the platforms. When building the application UI, developers use our libraries, which abstract the differences between the native platforms.
Lots of people use React as the V in MVC. Since React makes no assumptions about the rest of your technology stack, it's easy to try it out on a small feature in an existing project.
See all alternatives

React Native's Followers
28485 developers follow React Native to keep up with related blogs and decisions.
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