today successfully Performed crud operations in docker Mongo container using Prisma. which was tough for me because Prisma required replica set database. it took lots of time cuz there was unknown type bug in that mongo image which is forbidden to connect express server. i tried to find that problem over the whole internet even chat gpt did'nt solve my problem i was very frustrated and i tried many steps to solve that problem like running many time multiple containers on same network bridge, port ,db,rs.initiate,extra_hosts,environment configuration etc . but end the end I solved that problem now i am very happy and confident to configure and deploy Mongo replica set to any machine

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Zubair Khan
Zubair Khan
April 30th 2024 at 11:30AM

Congratulations on successfully performing CRUD operations in a Docker Mongo container using Prisma! It sounds like you faced quite a challenge, especially with Prisma requiring a replica set database. Dealing with unknown bugs and spending a significant amount of time troubleshooting can indeed be frustrating.

It's great to hear that despite the initial obstacles and frustrations, you persisted and tried various steps to solve the problem. Your determination paid off, and now you've not only solved the issue but also gained valuable experience and confidence in configuring and deploying Mongo replica sets to any machine.

Your perseverance and problem-solving skills are commendable, and they'll serve you well in future endeavors. Keep up the excellent work, and don't hesitate to reach out for help or share your experiences with the community. Way to go!

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