What is Material-UI?
Who uses Material-UI?
Material-UI Integrations
Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Material-UI in their tech stack.
Hi Everybody. I would have your advice about the use of Material-UI (https://m3.material.io/get-started) framework, taking into account that we have two products made with React (https://react.dev/) framework and considering that the team is very skillful in REACT and TS.
What do you think about adding Material framework (because a designer asks for it) in a very strong REACT and TS ecosystem?
Thanks in advance for your help! 🤓
I'm looking for a library that can allow customization, relatively low effort integration with TypeScript, and ability to bring business users into the design process with a tool like Figma design. We are developing our own SDK for quick dev setup through Open API and build with Webpack and mustache templates. I know Flowbite comes with Typescript definition files out of the box but not nearly as supported as Material-UI. I need to understand what additional work having something that definitely will have long term support like Material UI converted into Typescript vs Flowbite that will have less support, but a typescript definition file out of the box, and what customizing components will do to the type definition files.
Can I use Material-UI and Tailwind CSS together with Next?
Material-UI and React Story Board UI which one is better to create a New Product application.
My React website is a simple 5-pager that attaches to a database to store and display registrations and other data. The user (small user base) can change any form elements, but I don't need theme-ing, though that would be fun for the user. reactstrap/react-bootstrap built on Bootstrap 4 sounds dated. I am familiar with reactstrap, but a friend said to try Material-UI. The thought of learning it is interesting, but somehow I think it might be overkill. So... reactstrap, react-bootstrap, or Material UI, which should I use?
I am currently working on a web application, and I am using Material-UI. The problem is that I always find myself in a situation where I have to override styles from material-UI, and I have to write a lot of CSS
Material-UI's Features
- Tables
- Forms
- Snackbars
- Buttons
- Theming