What is Hasura?
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Hasura Integrations
Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose Hasura in their tech stack.
Hey guys! I am looking for some advice. I would like to start learning new technologies but I am confused about some concepts:
My objective is to have a Next.js frontend application (which will be getting data from a custom API), and a backend web app running ExpressJS.
I would like to use GraphQL, so I found that I can use Hasura to expose the PostgreSQL data directly to the frontend, so my question is: is it possible for the backend to connect to Hasura and do CRUD on the database or should I use something like Prisma + Graphql?
Could you please give an example of a working application using these technologies, or an approach on how you will implement it? Thanks!
A simple diagram of what I think could be implemented: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOow62HA=/?share_link_id=548654600442
Hasura's Features
- Stack-agnostic
- Cloud-agnostic
- Git push to deploy
- Pre-configured API Gateway
- Instant GraphQL or JSON APIs
- Out-of-the-box Auth APIs with UI Kits
- Filestore APIs with access control
- Deploy custom code