I think you should use React or svelte and for the backend use Next.js or sveltkit and as for a database I would think you should use mongo DB and if you want to make it cross platform use flutter or React native it would be easy to use both of these if you know React they are very similar to each other and as for Next.js it is a full stack framework which uses React on the front end and nodejs at the back end good luck making the application.

2 upvotes·20.9K views
I think you should stick with the thing you know because flutter is a whole new ecosystem and you could shoot yourself in the foot with it and when you have made the app then you could learn flutter
2 upvotes·12.7K views
blazor can be used for small projects but react is in demand and easier to learn
2 upvotes·1.4K views
should I use Sass or Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap??
I love the features in Sass or I am missing out on features on frameworks and even if I am which should I use Bootstrap or Tailwind?
2 upvotes·1.3K views
should I use sass or tailwind CSS or bootstrap??
I love the features in sass or I am missing out features on frameworks and even if I am which should I use Bootstrap or Tailwind
2 upvotes·47 views