

Business Tools / Support, Sales, and Marketing / Self-Hosted Blogging / CMS
Independent Contractor at Self Employed·

I've heard that I have the ability to write well, at times. When it flows, it flows. I decided to start blogging in 2013 on Blogger. I started a company and joined BizPark with the Microsoft Azure allotment. I created a WordPress blog and did a migration at some point. A lot happened in the time after that migration but I stopped coding and changed cities during tumultuous times that taught me many lessons concerning mental health and productivity. I eventually graduated from BizSpark and outgrew the credit allotment. That killed the WordPress blog.

I blogged about writing again on the existing Blogger blog but it didn't feel right. I looked at a few options where I wouldn't have to worry about hosting cost indefinitely and Jekyll stood out with GitHub Pages. The Importer was fairly straightforward for the existing blog posts.

Todo * Set up redirects for all posts on blogger. The URI format is different so a complete redirect wouldn't work. Although, there may be something in Jekyll that could manage the redirects. I did notice the old URLs were stored in the front matter. I'm working on a command-line Ruby gem for the current plan. * I did find some of the lost WordPress posts on archive.org that I downloaded with the waybackmachinedownloader. I think I might write an importer for that. * I still have a few Disqus comment threads to map

I’m moving to Jekyll | The Code Room (dalevross.com)
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Dean Lofts
Dean Lofts
January 26th 2020 at 12:30PM

Writing and publishing articles is pretty much technology agnostic now with the right configuration. I'm looking at setting up a pipeline that will publish to every platform I like from markdown that I write on whatever device I feel like writing on. It is still fun to play around with different platforms though, I can't deny that :).

Needs advice

I'm building a web and mobile application for transferring virtual digital currencies between 3 types of users for real-world applications, not in-game. I've been contacting companies for recommendations and estimates, and two have come back with Laravel and either Flutter or Android Studio/Swift. I've been studying Flutter, and I think that's the way to go, but for the web app and backend, Laravel just doesn't seem right. Maybe, I'm so used to PHP that it looks like a step backward or being stuck in the past or for bloated WordPress sites and text document management. And the components of Laravel, although they look handy, are rather pricey. Looking at similar kinds of apps, I see them being built in AngularJS, TypeScript, Node.js. What do you folks think? Thank You.

6 upvotes·90.2K views
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I would go with Flutter for the front end because it is easy to use once you learn Dart, has components for both Cupertino and Material Design, performs well, and has great documentation. For the backend, I've never used PHP so I don't know how good Laravel works, but I would usually use Node.js because of its large ecosystem, or Aqueduct, because if you use Flutter than you can use Dart on both the front and back end.

8 upvotes·2 comments·13.4K views
Jean-Baptiste Guillois
Jean-Baptiste Guillois
June 16th 2020 at 7:52AM

I would also go for Flutter for the front end as it is an easy and productive platform for creating mobile apps. For the backend, I would go either for Java (SpringBoot) or Node (+express) as both are rock solid platforms for creating API based backends. I may be strongly opinionated but I consider PHP being solely targeted at websites, not enterprise applications.

Stephen DeMeulenaere
Stephen DeMeulenaere
June 11th 2020 at 3:53AM

Thank you for your recommendation!

Frontend Developer at atSistemas·

You could check out Ionic. Angular won't help in creating a mobile app, but with Ionic you can do it, and it comes from Angular. On the other hand, it isn't clear if you're building a mobile webapp or if you need it to be a native APK.

About Flutter, it is really limited for webapps, it's heavily oriented towards creating native Android and iOS apps using Dart.

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Stephen DeMeulenaere
Stephen DeMeulenaere
June 11th 2020 at 3:55AM

Thank you, Daniel, yes I'm familiar with Angular and Ionic, that's an approach to this project that I am considering as well.

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Business Developer at Joharji MVPs·
Needs advice

So I've been working as a freelancer building websites using Wordpress, limiting myself to available templates and customizing it (drag and drop no code involvement) and blending between plugins to get the requirements as much as possible. and I have spent my day job doing everything related to web portals (business case, business plans, marketing, back-office operations, project management, product management) but never got my hands into code yet. I heard of zero-code solutions such as Bubble and Webflow and I would like to be able to develop an MVP (Minimal Viable Product) to launch those ideas quickly to make sure that I make some sales before we invest into building a state of the art app.

Those MVPs are a struggle since most of it has its own unique processes therefore WordPress doesn't come in handy most of the time. This is where Bubble and Webflow come to the fore. Before I start my journey to learn one of these tools, where I imagine I will spend weeks to months learning, I need to know which road I should take while I am standing at the crossroads.

Objective: 1- Build MVPs with unique workflows to secure sales and transactions to confirm the product is viable

Requirements: 1- No coding knowledge required 2- Drag and drop workflows 3- Can use RTL (right to left) and build websites in Arabic 4- Cost-effective 5- High-quality online courses (free/paid) are available

Your advice is much appreciated.

6 upvotes·298.4K views
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I recommend learning HTML5, bucko.

All checks out: 1- No coding knowledge required 2- Drag and drop workflows 3- Can use RTL (right to left) and build websites in Arabic 4- Cost-effective 5- High-quality online courses (free/paid) are available

1 upvote·2.7K views
DevOps at SoftwareHow·
Needs advice

Currently, I am using Shopify, and it's working fine somehow. I need to check the access and error logs I am able to do it. That's why thinking set up a WordPress instance on my server. I need a suggestion whether it is good or not. My current website is www.dealsalt.com, please advise.

Thanks DealSalt

MEN (dealsalt.com)
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Founder at That Software Guy·

Shopify is a hosted platform, so you won't be able to set up WordPress on the same server, because you don't control it. A few options exist though:

  • Shopify has a lightweight blogging platform you might use
  • You could create a WordPress blog on WordPress.com (or any other WordPress hosting service)
  • You could set up an account on a hosting service and install WordPress there.

Good luck!

13 upvotes·11K views
CTO & Co-Founder at Crazy Web Studio Co., Ltd.·

If the blog features provided by Shopify are too limited for your needs you could decide to create a dedicated blog WordPress based and connect it to a subdomain, like for example blog.dealsalt.com You could host your WordPress instance where you prefer and just modify the domain records to point your blog subdomain to your hosting. I suggest you also to take a look to Shopify JS Buy SDK and Shopify Buy Button JS technologies, if you'd like to integrate some Shopify features in your blog. Please, consider that there are also some SEO drawbacks to use an external platform for blogging on a subdomain. For Google a domain and subdomain have no relations. Therefore if you are going to put a lot of effort in creating content, get backlinks, etc on the blog, you'll improve the ranking of the blog subdomain and not the ranking of your store domain.

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developer at Upwork·


A client is asking me to make a website to sell courses on it. I decided to make it with WordPress, but I don't have enough experience in WordPress. How can I make this website with free themes and plugins? How can I put live streaming from Zoom on course pages?


WordPress - Reviews, Pros & Cons | Companies using WordPress (stackshare.io)
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Hi Andrew

Wordpress and WooCommerce can get you almost all the way, free. But it depends how your client wants to organize and sell the content. For membership and subscription, Woocommerce has some paid plugins.

2 upvotes·2 comments·475 views
Andrew ayad
Andrew ayad
March 24th 2021 at 6:09PM

thanks ❤

Joshua Coleman
Joshua Coleman
April 28th 2021 at 7:13PM

Use ed2go.com

Senior Analytics Consultant at ArcBlue Consulting·
Needs advice
Microsoft SharePointMicrosoft SharePoint

Currently, we are using WordPress in the organisation to deliver content externally to clients via a portal. However, we have installed way too many plugins for our liking, and they are starting to conflict with one another. Also, there were issues around scalability in the way we initially designed it. A few people in the organisation are leaning toward a Microsoft SharePoint solution using Livetiles, but we've been told it is mainly geared towards internal/intranet solutions as opposed to external solutions (which we provide). I was wondering if anyone has some high-level thoughts to share in regards to moving to a Microsoft Sharepoint environment vs. a more flexible solution like Umbraco.

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Web Developer at Soltech LLC·

I am not sure if I can recommend one or the other without knowing your exact needs and what plugins you are using. Is this just a company publicity website, or more of a web application with login functionality and a store?

But, Sharepoint doesn't seem like the best solution in my point of view for a public-facing website.

4 upvotes·4.1K views

SharePoint isn't good for public websites. It's better to use Umbraco or WordPress. Umbraco vs WordPress: which CMS is best for you? The answer will depend on the team of your programmers. If they use asp.net stack of technologies they will prefer to use Umbraco. If they use PHP they will choose WordPress. I suppose both CMS can work well for your needs if you choose professional developers, and it's better to not install plugins from different vendors))) for any CMS.

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Flavor Artisan at Flavors·
Needs advice

We are a startup and looking for a back-end system for CRM, invoicing, inventory, etc... We had a demo from Odoo which combines all this in an excellent way. At the same time we need a website and webshop. Our web developer (freelance) is a WordPress expert and can build a site in no time. He has no ODOO knowledge and will not get into it.

We are wondering what the best solution is. Can we create our site in Wordpress and for the Webshop part, just link to the Odoo eCommerce site? Meaning we would also buy the website and #ecommerce Odoo apps, but use Wordpress for the website. What's the ideal and most budget friendly solution?

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365 Consulting Services Ltd.·

Hi, If you go this route (Wordpress & Odoo), then you would have to maintain two systems. You have to hire two experts. And, you would have to find someone who will bring the Wordpress-site and the webshop somehow together. Additionally, changes to the design would have to be done in both systems. So, for sake of simplicity & flexibility, I would recommend to use one backend only. Check out "WooCommerce" which is based on Wordpress. The Wordpress eco-system is quite diverse and you are not the first start up with such backend-architecture. So you may find a Wordpress-based solution easily.

I would recommend to look for more alternative solutions in the Wordpress eco-system before you make your decision that you want to go with Odoo.

4 upvotes·3.7K views

Hi Everyone, We are looking at creating a reseller website for a customer. Do you have any recommendations on whether we should use WordPress vs Adobe Experience Manager? Our primary considerations are ease of use and a quick development time. And of course, the licensing cost.

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if main concern is licensing cost, it is best to take the open source route (WordPress or Drupal), because you don't need to pay any license fee for using these software. As others might have stated, Adobe Experience Manager license fee could be costly and that doesn't even include development costs.

In WordPress ecosystem, plugin and theme developers are competing with each other to provide the best free plugins or themes for public use. Further, developers can provide support or more features added to plugins or themes when you pay a small fee for license.

The downside, although rarely happens, when there are conflicting themes/plugins it can cause your site to break. Another problem, when it comes to security, most often that you are at the pity of themes/plugins developers.

In Drupal ecosystem, its developers hold the famous principle, "not to reinvent the wheel" which is the reason why you won't find as many modules or themes. Drupal developers rarely competing with each other but instead they (even non-programmers) will work together to improve existing themes or modules. Obviously one module will not meet everyone's criteria, therefore in Drupal they have 'hooks'. A Drupal 'hook' can extend Drupal core's or module's functionality to meet your requirements.

I would tend to use Drupal but I think it is only a matter of preference. I admit that building on WordPress is easier while building on Drupal will require a lot of research and experience.

5 upvotes·279 views

Word pres will be faster easier and cheaper than the other two. I have used all three. AEM is usually 250,000 for the license and about 3x that for the implementation. And that would still not include e commerce functions. Drupal we my favorite several versions ago but it is not backwards compatible with the shipping extension. Upgrades are terrible. And they have stopped focusing on the little sites only the big enterprise sites more of a competitor to AEM. Training on Drupal and AEM are also a lot more.

Home | Web3us LLC (web3us.com)
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Security Researcher Intern at Running Name LLC·
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Google SitesGoogle Sites

Would you say Google Sites is better than WordPress in terms of security and why?

1 upvote·7.1K views
IBM Cloud·
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WordPress MVCWordPress MVC

Has anyone used a web-accessibility solution for a site hosted on WordPress? I'm considering accessiBe and Userway. We have had several complaints about our site being non-accessible, and I am trying to figure out a low-time investment way to become compliant.

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I can recommend accessibe but I haven't tried userway. We installed acccessibe in about 3 minutes with a line of code. We're now ADA compliant thanks to the widget. FYI we are running a wordpress installation but we are not hosted on wordpress.com's hosting, not that that makes a difference, but worth pointing out.

5 upvotes·328 views