Here are our 3 main claims why TypeScript is the way to go.
- TypeScript is simply JavaScript that scales
- TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript
- TypeScript is not a "new" language - It is JavaScript from the future
TypeScript has the following main advantages compared to JavaScript:
Typing & Scoping: With static typing, the type of a variable is known at coding time. In dynamic typing the types might be uncertain which could lead to runtime errors. Therefore Strong typing leads to fewer runtime errors. The declaration of variables when it comes to Function Scoping (var) vs. Block Scoping (let) introduced pitfalls lurking in JavaScript. The solution in ES6 - and thus TypeScript - is let. Because variables declared with let follow the rules of block scoping.
Collaboration: When large coding projects have many developers there is a chance of messier coding. The number of errors increases which makes the handling difficult. With strong typing the amount of errors decreases and debugging becomes much more easier.
Productivity: TypeScript uses the latest ECMA features. Auto-completion features as well as more clear, comprehensible and readable code will boost the productivity of the developer drastically.